Cheryl Dics, CALC, Certified ADHD Life Coach and Personal Development Consultant
Welcome to Sigma Wolf Life Coaching and Consulting.
We specializes in one on one personal coaching in leadership, emotional intelligence, substance use support, and/or
ADHD (attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Additional Support Services
Women and Men's Life Skills Topic Groups,
12 Step Support (AA, WA, OA, and ACOA)
Public Speaking Topic sessions (ADHD, Emotional Intelligence)
Workshops Available by design
Phone (604) 790-9622
Email sigmawolfcoaching@gmail.com
Welcome to Sigma Wolf Life Coaching and Consulting Services for people to explore the truth of who they are authentically. If you are newly diagnosed with ADHD or neurodiversity or have known for many years, we are always evolving and you may be seeking one on one support with your executive functions, and emotional intelligence.
If you are recently in recovery and seek additional one on one support to navigate the next days, weeks or months to thrive in sobriety, you are in the right place.
If you are seeking a deep dive into your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. You have come to the right place.
Welcome to the tribe!
As we release the development of self paced courses, podcast and videos. We are committed to sharing experience, strength and hope. We are here to meet your needs, your organizations needs, and the support to meet you where you are.
Cheryl Dics, Founder, Sigma Wolf Coaching and Consultation

Videos, Podcast, Blog and More
Sigma Wolf Coaching and Podcast and Video Blog
Sigma Wolf Coaching and Podcast and Video Blog

Sigma Wolf Coaching, Cheryl's Diagnosis Story Podcast- Butterfly on the Wall Janine Van Stee

Ep. 5- When Should You STOP Sacrificing? Setting Boundaries with ADHD

Episode 4 - Don't Let RSD Control Your Life!

Meeting Your Sacred Self - 1718064028363

Let's Get St
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